London and I were at Target on Saturday when we passed the special shell fish sale guy. They post this little station at the entrance of the store every once in a while with crab legs and shrimp. When Taylor's in town, I'll buy crab legs because they are his all time favorite food. This time, London took a special interest in the crab legs, but for a different reason.
It's been a big month for Nemo in our house. Our friends gave us a DVD of the movie and Mimi is a big fan, so the kids watched it a few times a day while she was around. Sponge Bob is also well recognized by the kids. So, that combination probably had something to do with London's fascination with the crab legs.
Does the pincher hurt? Can it pinch me now? How do you catch it? Is he alive? Are you sure? What if he wakes up? Really, are you sure he won't won't wake up even after he unfreezes?
After I while I realized (1) we may never get our shopping done at this rate and (2) that crab was starting to look really delicious. So, we bought just one. London carried him (the crab) and talked about him the whole time we were shopping. He proudly carried him into the house to show his dad what we had found on our adventure. Then we put him in boiling water and waited just a few minutes.
About the time our crab was ready to eat, Violet woke from her nap. London was so proud to show her his crab and tell her all about it. When it came time to eating it, well, he wasn't impressed. I give him credit for trying a few very small bites from such a scary looking snack. Violet was a big fan of course -- she hasn't met a food she doesn't like outside of chocolate. The rest of the afternoon, I watched the kids closely because I wasn't sure if we'd ever fed them, or at least Violet, shell fish before. They survived the adventure and we all had fun.