Violet's ballet debut was last weekend. She was a sunflower and danced with her class to "You are my Sunshine." It was a glorious five minutes and we still are so proud. (Video will follow no doubt.)
The girls practiced every week. They had costumes and music and two very nice young ballerinas on the side to help guide them. (Violet is only 3 and the youngest in her class.) I am one proud mama. London behaved very well. He complained throughout, but was pretty quiet about it and really was just the voice of most of the audience: Why do we have to watch so many classes? How long will this take? Violet's done, can we leave? I'm so bored!
I was surprised by the seriousness of the parents and the teachers. Yes, the girls are ages 3 to 6, but this is a very, very serious performance -- one for which I was not prepared. (As usual.)
It begins with the name: defile. It is based upon the Defile du Ballet from the Paris Opera. There, the ballet students perform in front of an audience in an effort to train them to feel comfortable performing. Got it. Makes sense.
So I, being such a fantastic planner, head over to the organic farm in the morning to pick up the plants we ordered. We decide to plant them right away in our very lovely square foot garden that sits in the front yard -- ala hillbilly. Wearing the same clothes, I get Violet into her pink leotard and tutu and pretty little sunflower headband and head over to the high school to get her there at noon for a 1 p.m. performance.
When I arrive, I immediately understand my mistake. This is serious business. Ballerinas are hair sprayed and wear more makeup than I own. Their mothers are dressed to the nines -- heels, dresses suitable for an afternoon wedding, bling, etc. I am wearing an Athletica skirt, black t-shirt, sport a little smudge of dirt just below my hairline and likely smell a little musty.
There are photographs -- by a professional photographer -- and video also by a pro. Flowers are sold in the lobby. (Thank you grandpa for buying an $8 almost dead rose for Violet.) Tickets were $10/seat -- that includes my 6 year old complainer.
Violet looked lovely and I was proud to see my little girl on a big stage. I will be prepared for the next defile. In fact, I'd like to attend as if she were performing at the Paris Opera. Think I can get Blu to wear his tux?