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December 14, 2011


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Dave, for a lot of us, finishing is pushing ourselves to the limit and beating our own time is a great reward. I'll never "win" a race but I feel like a winner every time I finish a race because I beat the odds -- all of the stuff life throws at me every day to make training difficult -- to make it to the end. While I may be slow, my legs are shaking at the finish and I know that I've given everything I have. And that feels great.


I completely agree Lisa. Everyone who doesn't race professionally has a lot of things that get in the way of training or getting the most out of training. However, the bulk of this post is mostly for people to understand that if you're going to be out there, PLEASE, know the course, learn the rules, and stay to the right. Like I said" A competitor by my standards, doesn't need to be someone fighting for a podium position, or even a top 10 spot in their respective age group. The key aspects of a competitor, are knowing their capabilities, and finding ways to push them." I feel by your statement, you fit in that category. It honestly has a lot to do with safety. You pay big bucks to do some of these races, and to not spend a little time researching and learning the course and the rules, I feel, is a waste of your money. But I am so happy to see so many people be part of the running and triathlon boom. It's amazing, to see so many people concerned about their fitness. It's truly inspiring! But the finisher vs. competitor part, is more a personal thing for me. And my brother, too. We talk about it after races a lot. These are just my opinions.

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