Whether you’re just starting out with running or training for an upcoming marathon, building up your endurance is an important goal. As an endurance athlete, your performance depends on your ability to keep going, but it’s also about speed. In addition to being able to run for longer periods of time, you can also work on being able to run faster.
The following tips can help you improve your speed while running.
Increase Your Distance
One of the most effective ways to run faster is to gradually increase your mileage. Running for longer distances helps you build up your endurance, which can also help improve your speed.
It’s important not to overdo it, though, or you could end up hurting yourself. Instead, plan on adding low mileage to your running routine at first, then slowly increase the number of miles you run at a time.
For example, begin by adding just a half mile to your daily run, then work up to adding 1 or even 2 miles once you’re comfortable covering this distance. You’ll notice that you’re also building up speed slowly, and eventually, you’ll be running at a faster speed overall.
Include Off-Road Running
Running on sidewalks or other smooth, paved surfaces might seem like the easiest way to improve your speed, but heading off-road is a better plan. Running on off-road trails doesn’t put as much stress on your body as constantly hitting a hard surface does.
Off-road trails also provide you with a change of scenery that can inspire you to keep going faster and faster. Your body will also be using different muscles or using the same muscles in different ways in order to handle the changing terrain, which helps you build endurance.
Head to the Hills
Running up hills is a challenging and highly effective way to boost your speed. You can either do quick spurts of shorter steps while going up steeper hills or take longer strides while going up hills with a more gentle slope.
Shorter steps help build up your leg muscles. Longer steps help you achieve a higher speed and improved endurance. Whether you plan on running up steeper hills or more moderate ones, it’s important to maintain the correct posture while moving in order to reduce strain on your muscles.
Follow the 80/20 Rule
Studies have shown that runners build up their speed most effectively when they spend 80 percent of the time doing low-intensity running and 20 percent of the time doing high-intensity running.
Spending a smaller amount of time doing high-intensity running allows you to gradually improve your speed without putting too much strain on your body, while low-intensity running helps you build up your endurance. Having more endurance gives you the energy you need to run faster.
Endurance supplements are another great way to improve your running performance. ProLine Sports Nutrition, we offer a wide range of vitamins and other nutrients in supplement form to help endurance athletes with their training.
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